The Board Game

Ave, Imperator, morituri te salutant!
GLADIATORIS is a board game from 2 to 6 players, which recreates roman amphitheatre’s combats. Players play the role of a lanista or manager of gladiators, and their Wild Beasts, Slaves and Gladiators must face each others. The player who earns more sesterces at the end of all combats is the winner, no matter if the player’s fighters are alive or dead.
In GLADIATORIS, each player chose a casern or gladiator school, a specific combat technique specialized team of fighters. To win must be necessary good sense when it comes to invest the money and the combat skill, as well as luck and the god’s favour.
Number of players:
From 2 to 6.
Age range:
12 and up.
Playing time:
30 minutes fast combats or 3 hours campaigns may be played.
GLADIATORIS is a board game from 2 to 6 players, which recreates roman amphitheatre’s combats. Players play the role of a lanista or manager of gladiators, and their Wild Beasts, Slaves and Gladiators must face each others. The player who earns more sesterces at the end of all combats is the winner, no matter if the player’s fighters are alive or dead.
In GLADIATORIS, each player chose a casern or gladiator school, a specific combat technique specialized team of fighters. To win must be necessary good sense when it comes to invest the money and the combat skill, as well as luck and the god’s favour.
Number of players:
From 2 to 6.
Age range:
12 and up.
Playing time:
30 minutes fast combats or 3 hours campaigns may be played.
David Temprano & Luis Valleaguado
Defensive combat technique.
They are also called Scutarii, Great Shields go to the arena armed with big rectangular shields (scuti) and short swords (gladius). They protect their legs with a pair of greaves or leather straps, and the right arm with a metal armband.
Balanced technique between offensive and defensive.
They are also called Parmularii, Small Shields fight with a small shield (parmula) that is only used in the arena, and they protect their legs with a pair of greaves. The Thracian fights with a slightly curved blade, while his comrades-in-arms use spears and daggers.
Offensive combat technique.
No Shields go to the arena almost naked, which allowed them to be faster, and they use deadly weapons: the retiarius fights with a trident and a cast net, while the dimachaerus handles two swords, one in each hand.
Bloodless combat technique.
Acrobats go to the arena at the prolusio, before real gladiators and they never fight to the death. They are armed with caestus, sticks and whips, but their great agility and luck compensate their poor armament.
Defensive combat technique.
Armoureds protect their chest with a lorica or coriacea, and they are armed with gladius, clavae, and other weapons. They are the slowest gladiators, but also the toughest ones.
Suicidal combat technique.
Executioners (also called "Avengers") are not expected to survive the combat. Bustuarii must bleed in honour of the deaths, while andabatae dance blind through their foes. However, this casern’s reptiles are fearsome opponents, and their spearmen slaves are as dangerous as the gladiators themselves.
Shooting combat technique.
Hunters are venatoris, specialized in fighting against wild animals. They hunt them with bows or with javelins and darts, and they protect themselves against claws and horns with leather cuirasses or chain mails.
Specialized technique against wild animals.
Tamers are arena wild animals’ trainers, who take part in veniationis or hunting. They don’t wear helmets nor metal protections in order to not bother their movements, and they fight with daggers and spears.
Balanced technique between offensive and defensive.
Roman noble young men show their courage taking part in the arena games. They wear luxurious cuirass and grasp good-quality weapons, although their fights are often rigged. They also ride the best stallions brought from Hispania.
Shooting and offensive combat technique.
Egyptians are a proud and disciplined race. They are very good drivers, and they can shoot their arrows as they ride their bigas at a gallop. In addition, their heat resistance allows them to fight for hours in the arena.
Defensive combat technique.
Roman citizens don’t see the glorious victories against barbarians, so convicted veterans from the legion are forced to fight in the amphitheatre, recreating those battles. They are armed with pilum and scutum, and they protect themselves with lorica segmentata.
Offensive combat technique.
Celts, germans and bretons are showed equally in the amphitheatre, as a yelling horde of brave fighters ready to kill and to die. They have been trained in war since they were children and they are especially dangerous when they are mounted in chariots.
Rodrigo Martín.